This is Hohan's Dad...

There is going to be another Camp Rock. Enough Said.

Douche bag J.Gosselin is a broke joke. He had to sell his beams to pay for his rent...and now he is suing for full custody over his eight kids. Yeah, he's got it in the bag.

Everyone's favorite bisexual is getting her very own clothing line. Tila Tequila, who's girlfriend Casey Johnson died in early January, will be making sexy and affordable lingerie pieces. T.T. wants her fans to be part of her "fashion" team, so email her your best sketches at MissTilaFashion@Gmail.com...WOW!

For those of you who didn't know already, Falloutboy has broken up. I'm pretty sure the world realized just how big of a tool P.Wentz was. Anyways, the lead singer Patrick is coming out with a solo record and he's lost a lot of weight, looks like a junkie and has finally got hair plugs.

Jenna J. apparently got beat up by UFC's Tito and now she's real mad. Tito's telling his peeps that she's back on drugs while Jenna is too cracked out to realize she has told every news outlet a different account of what happened.

Big daddy Usher is getting married again, even though he is still married to his baby mama. The cougar on his arm is 42 year old former Def Jam exec Grace Miguel. I wonder if his mother will like this one?