Regardless of your thoughts on the existence of a higher power, the presence of fate cannot be underestimated. I’m not trying to engage in a conversation about the after life, but sometimes things happen that cannot go undocumented.
While sitting on the couch reminiscing about weeks past, a documentary following everyone’s favorite Degrassi superstar came on. “Better Than Enough” showed the struggles Drake endured while trying to transform himself from a mixtape demon into a billboard bloodsucker. His eloquent, soft-spoken demeanor can make even the biggest commitment phoebe melt into her previous unscathed self.
An hour of Drake wasn’t what I wanted but it was exactly what I needed. He briefly talks about how he’s constantly on the prowl for a woman to love deeply because he feels his mother and ultimate best friend was never treated right by a man. He’s no Weezy but damn that boy is smooth.
Now that he’s got the torch, lets see what he does with it.
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