Many of you might already know Taylor Momsen from her sidekick role as Jenny H. on Gossip Girl. While her fall into complete adolescent destruction was fun to watch on the CW, Taylor is picking up the eyeliner in real life and becoming every parent’s worse nightmare. She is currently fronting the rock band The Pretty Reckless that is now doing their rounds on Van's Warped Tour. The seventeen-year-old starlets inappropriate comments in a recent interview with Distorted magazine made be quasi vomit in my mouth.
Taylor: 'The record is a life record and it confronts issues and goes, here’s what fucking sucks about everything and I don’t’ really know how to fix it but I’m fucking dying and I’ll sing about it. It covers all the bases of life, love, death, sex, religious, politics, murder, hate drugs.'
Interviewer On Momsen: 'Momsen does swear like a trooper. She also grins when asked if she’s single, and replies that she is, that she’s not into guys, waits a beat, then adds she’s not gay but just bored of men and her best friend is her vibrator.'
Bets on date of entry into rehab? I'll give her a year. Jenny'll have to be killed off, which she probably should be regardless.