Are we going to be treated to some guest vocals from M.I.A. on the new album?
Possibly, but when we record, we’re pretty insular. There are three people involved basically. It’s myself, Alexis, and we work with an incredible engineer named Shane Stonebeck, and it’s sort of like, nobody goes in and nobody comes out. It’s just the three of us locked in there. And I like that idea. So, probably not, but you never know.
But you enjoyed working with M.I.A.?
I did. It was amazing. I was only in the studio with her for like a week, but it was great. It gave me a lot of confidence, actually, because that was in October, a year ago, almost a year ago to the day. I think this was the week last year that I was working with her. And that was before Treats, we didn’t go to the studio for Treats until January. Yeah, I just felt really good about it.
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