Lately I haven't felt the need to write. Frankly, some individuals have just been taking what I have to say and placing it in such an arrangement that even Klosterman would be proud. However, I am the ruler of my domain when it comes to defending myself. I recently made a claim that I believe Talib Kweli's new album has the potential to alter or perhaps even transform my life. And yes, I understand the magnitude of this statement, just let me explain.
I discovered Kweli in eleventh grade. This was the year that I not only uncovered my own humanity but once again became whole as a person. I was hormonal, angry and in love with Jimmy Eat World, MSN was my escape from a society that could not comprehend my profound knowledge of the English vocabulary. (I’m almost positive that at this exact moment you are picturing an ‘emo’ kid with an unfortunate hair who brags about having a livejournal, and your right.) I don’t remember how I stumbled upon Kweli’s “Never Been In Love”, off his 2004 release The Beautiful Struggle, but I do know that it was on repeat for two weeks following my first listen. Although I could not understand his lyrics byway of experience at the time, his talent encapsulated me. He made words feel as if they belonged together while simultaneously making everything rhyme. For Instance,
“You running back to the kid like this was home base
Or a marathon I let you set your own pace
Your own space and the beautiful struggle
Now baby tell what's it gonna take to prove that I love you”
This is what music was supposed to be about, or at least it was in my opinion. His lyrics plagued my MSN names for weeks, as I hoped that I could impress a dude that was way more fiction than he ever was real. Still to this day I play the track at least once a week and I can spit every line by memory.
The Beautiful Struggle is one of my favorite albums of all time and while it doesn’t sit at the top, it has great significance in my life. In 2004 a lot changed, almost all for the better and Talib was along for the whole ride. He saw my life change then and I’m almost positive he’s going to see my life change again when he drops “Gutter Rainbows” later this year.
The defense now rests.
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